81 meditations on the Way of Nature
As the sage Lao Tzu left the Chinese kingdom astride a swaying water buffalo, he gave the border guard a small book of 81 short poems called the Tao Te Ching, or The Classic of The Way and its Power.
For hundreds of years, seekers and the curious have turned to the Tao Te Ching for how to live in harmony with Nature and for the universal message: all things are connected.
A musical reading of the Tao Te Ching
This new version of the classic presents Vito Di Bona’s Songs of the Tao Te Ching. Readers, listeners, singers, music lovers and musicians now have a new way to learn about The Way and share with others.
Listener A.M. says, “… I have on Spotify your Taosong music. So beautiful with wonderful messages and I am weaving them in with my Qigong and Yoga teachings going forward…”